What this is
This is an application built specifically for those Muslims who live in non-Islamic countries and cannot hear adhan (or azan) -
the call to prayer - 5 times a day. That's not to say you can't use it if you live in an Islamic country.
It was built for use in our house, but we thought it's something nice to share. We hope that it is useful - may Allah be pleased with it.
Adhan Player
To stream adhan, just head on over to https://aladhan.com/play, select your timezone and location and leave the browser open.
The application will compute the time for all 5 daily prayers and play adhan automatically.
Prayer Times Calendar
Just like the adhan player, there's also a configurable calendar on https://aladhan.com/calendar. You select the timezone, location, month and year and can see the calendar for the whole month.