بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Please note that the below Hijri dates are computed using the Umm Al-Qura Calendar. Lunar crescent sightings are updated on this calendar for 1 Muharram, 1 Ramadan, 1 Shawwal, 1 Dhul Hijja, so some of the dates may appear twice. The entire calendar is not adjusted, but the adjusted holydays are marked in green as opposed to unadjusted holydays. Please note that where a night is denoted as a special day, it is the previous night. For example, Lailat-ul-Mi'raj falls on the 27th of Rajab, but it is the time after Maghrib on the 26th and early morning hours of the 27th that are intended by the word lailat (because in the Islamic calendar the next date begins after Maghrib / sunset).

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 Ṣafar - الاثنين
30 September - Monday
End of the holy months
2 Ṣafar - الثلاثاء
01 October - Tuesday
3 Ṣafar - الاربعاء
02 October - Wednesday
4 Ṣafar - الخميس
03 October - Thursday
5 Ṣafar - الجمعة
04 October - Friday
6 Ṣafar - السبت
05 October - Saturday
7 Ṣafar - الاحد
06 October - Sunday
8 Ṣafar - الاثنين
07 October - Monday
9 Ṣafar - الثلاثاء
08 October - Tuesday
10 Ṣafar - الاربعاء
09 October - Wednesday
11 Ṣafar - الخميس
10 October - Thursday
12 Ṣafar - الجمعة
11 October - Friday
13 Ṣafar - السبت
12 October - Saturday
14 Ṣafar - الاحد
13 October - Sunday
15 Ṣafar - الاثنين
14 October - Monday
16 Ṣafar - الثلاثاء
15 October - Tuesday
17 Ṣafar - الاربعاء
16 October - Wednesday
18 Ṣafar - الخميس
17 October - Thursday
19 Ṣafar - الجمعة
18 October - Friday
20 Ṣafar - السبت
19 October - Saturday
21 Ṣafar - الاحد
20 October - Sunday
22 Ṣafar - الاثنين
21 October - Monday
23 Ṣafar - الثلاثاء
22 October - Tuesday
24 Ṣafar - الاربعاء
23 October - Wednesday
25 Ṣafar - الخميس
24 October - Thursday
26 Ṣafar - الجمعة
25 October - Friday
27 Ṣafar - السبت
26 October - Saturday
28 Ṣafar - الاحد
27 October - Sunday
29 Ṣafar - الاثنين
28 October - Monday
1 Rabīʿ al-awwal - الثلاثاء
29 October - Tuesday
Upcoming Holy Day: Birth of Sayyidina Qasim ibn Hasan (ر) on 06 February 2025